Sunday 17 July 2011

Wet, wet, wet

A great big thank you to everyone who supported my BG. There’s too many to say thank you to everyone individually, but I’m going to try nonetheless…

In chronological order:

To Rob for the coolbox
To Jennie for providing the stove
To Helen W for seeing me off at the start
To Ray for navigating on Leg 1 and for bull-avoidance abilities
To Andy McC for keeping me fed regularly
To John Hooson for carrying some of the huge amount of food bagged up for each leg
To Mike McK for naving on Leg 2 in some of the worst conditions I’ve ever seen
To Mark for time-keeping when the rain stopped the pen working
To Ben for pushing me up the hills and keeping me fed
To M.B esq, proprietor of ‘Baz’s Bazaar and coffee shop’, at Sticks Pass
To Stuart for cajoling me around Leg 3 …and then doing the same on Leg 5
To Martin for hauling me out of pond when I fell in near High Raise and for making me laugh when I realised his words “When you get to Bowfell it’s in the bag for you!” wasn’t actually a plan to keep me out of the rain
To Tom for naving and taking me along Fox’s Traverse in time for an early-morning shower from the waterfalls
To Matt for assisting Stuart in cajoling me around Leg 3 …and then doing the same on Leg 5
To Debbie for providing breakfast at Rossett Gill and for the welcome despite her being cold and wet
To Jessica for the same as Debbie, except looking more cold and wet
To Dave D for naving, praising my climbing ability on Leg 4…and telling me my descending was crap
To Jarv for time-keeping prodding me along every step of the way and preventing me falling backwards on the climb up Yewbarrow
To Mick for cursing my speed up Yewbarrow (which spurred me on) and carrying the coffee flask around to Pillar
To Dave B for not complaining about anything…and then doing the same on Leg 5
To Julie for naving on Leg 5 when I’d virtually stopped speaking
To Helen D for time-keeping, providing me with drink and remarking how I could still manage ‘please’ and ‘thank you’
To Paul for feeding me food – including Kendal Mint Cake
To Dawn for running Leg 5 after providing superb support all night and day to Helen with logistics.. and for encouraging me at every changeover
To John for helping keep me going up Dale Head
To Dawn W for chatting to me when my conversational abilities had gone
To Michael R for conversing with Dawn when my conversational abilities had gone
To Lynn, Diane and Freya for being there – along with many others already mentioned - at the end in Keswick.

And finally, to Helen who provided excellent support with a smile

And finally, finally, to Cuddy, Milly, and Tiggs for demonstrations of the right way to run across rocky ground.

Cherry on the top - 42 buns to celebrate another successful BG.

Dave D has published pictures from the final leg.

You’ll struggle to find better supporters than Team Dallam!

Message from Helen: due to a spot of rain along the way we weren’t always able to provide bacon butties to the supporters. So we have a bit of spare bacon and as many spare bread buns than I want to think about. So we will bring them along tomorrow (Monday) night for after the club run if anyone want like to join us for a bite to eat. There may be a little cake left as well.

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